
F.A.S.T. is a comprehensive program that has been developed to enhance the shooting abilities of students in four key areas: Fundamentals, Accuracy, Speed, and Tactics. Students can expect to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to perform at a higher level of tactical shooting.

FundamentalsAccuracySpeedTacticsHandgun DrillsAccelerated


Students will focus on establishing a robust foundation of knowledge and skills. This includes learning fundamentals of marksmanship, proper handling of firearms, holster draw, safety measures, and reloads; all of which are required for success and further advancement.


Accuracy drills will build upon the acquired skills from the "Fundamentals" drills with precision and consistency in mind. Students will have their fundamentals and skills refined to maintain accuracy through stressful situations. Once a student has achieved proficiency in accuracy, they will proceed to the next step: Speed.


Speed drills will assist in developing the students' reaction times and execution speed. They will acquire the ability to analyze situations quickly and make decisions in a timely manner, while maintaining accuracy and fundamentals. Upon successful completion of the "Speed" drills, students will be permitted to advance.


Tactics drills will focus on developing the student's strategic thinking, decision-making skills, and teamwork. The course will cover advanced tactics such as shooting in low light, overcoming barriers, and executing moving and shooting tactical drills.

Handgun Drills

F.A.S.T. is a comprehensive program that has been developed to enhance the shooting abilities of students in four key areas: Fundamentals, Accuracy, Speed, and Tactics. Students can expect to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to perform at a higher level of tactical shooting.


ACCELERATED: Benefit from the undivided attention of expert instructors in a small, focused group setting.